Mental Health

Inspirational Quotes from Sadia Khan

1: “The reality is a lot of men will say she lied to me in the beginning. She was so good, she was so good, she lied to me, she lied to me, she lied to me. Women never, ever, ever lie. Never do they lie. They might not say the truth, but they always show you the truth. Every woman that you’ve been with who has hurt you, lied to you, cheated on you, stolen from you, whatever it is showed you their red flags from day one. You chose to ignore them. Myself included. We show men all of our red flags, and we pick the man that allows us to get away with the most nonsense. Now if you don’t have any red flags as a woman, you’ll attract a man with really clear boundaries. What will happen is a man with boundaries can only be with a woman who doesn’t have red flags. Because they are a perfect match, she doesn’t do too much, he doesn’t tolerate too much. They work really well. But a woman filled with red flags will only select a man filled with low self-esteem. She will find a man who doesn’t know how to assert his boundaries, doesn’t know how to look for red flags, and doesn’t know how to stand up for himself. That’s the man she will select.”

2: “When you go for somebody that is your type, but you’re not necessarily their type there is an element of disrespect. Always. There is either I’ll cancel on you last minute, or I’ll talk to other people. There is an element of disrespect if you’re causing a person to shift their type to be with you, they will start to disrespect you because they don’t want to be there. So what happens if you choose a person that chooses you there is underlining respect. And you’ll get some self-respect and mutual respect.”

3: “Toxic relationships, they give you love in doses. So they’ll be nice to you, great to you, and then followed by a lot of torture. Nice, torture. And then what happens is we get addicted to that nice. We remember the nice and hold onto that nice moment. We know it’s coming, it’s going to come, just hang through the toxic torture and it will come. But when you have to say to yourself, he has the potential to be good. Remember when she was nice? They weren’t always like this. When we have these conversations with ourselves, you are lying to yourselves. Because when you’re saying remember when she use to be good? Remember he use to be nice, that is really remember when he wasn’t showing you his true colors?”

4: “Unfortuently for rich men, they can’t help but attract women who like that lifestyle more than connection. Because a woman that really values connection, she doesn’t like a busy rich man’s lifestyle. A woman that really needs emotional connection, she finds being with a CEO or being with a really successful man is hard for her. She leaves. Because she wants emotional intimacy. So rich men are left with women that love lifestyle, who will compromise an emotional connection in order to get that financial investment. And so rich men are left with a pool of women who are not as connected to them.”

5: “This is something men really underestimate when picking a partner. They look for whoever they like and they think that they can change a woman. They think if they treat a woman well, If they caught her correctly, she is all yours. I always say your competition is her childhood. If she had a chaotic childhood, you can give and offer her the most stability there is to be found but she will reject it. She will seek chaos and she will glorify chemistry. Whereas if you choose someone who comes from a stable upbringing with lots of love when you give her love she reciprocates it. But when you give it to someone who comes from a broken home, and a broken background when you give her love she then sabotages it.”

6: “I find it so bizarre that women will post bikini pictures and then get mad if their man likes a bikini picture. You are contributing to the same problem that you see in your relationship. You are fueling that same fire either in someone else’s relationship or your own. You are creating the same men you don’t like. The ones who tapping like on your pictures, you are creating that as well when you are posting like that. So I think if a woman posts bikini pictures but then gets mad at you for liking them she has a narcistic element that you need to see as a red flag because there is a part of her that believes that her emotions should be soother but yours should not.”

7: “What social media has done is allowed women a platform to kind of showcase their body, their preferences, basically put themselves in the marketplace.”

8: “Feminism has taught women that catering and appreciating and showing love for your man is babying him and he should be a grown up and he should do it himself.”

9: “A secure, healthy woman is not attracted to men who treat her mean, she’s attracted to a man who has a willingness to leave if she misbehaves too much.”

10: “When I talk about narcissistic women it is because we’ve tilted it where women are automatic victims and sometimes they are the narcissist in the relationship.”



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